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    05:06 PM Mar 04

April Round-Up / Onwards into May

April Round-Up

On the surface, it’s been fairly quiet in April.

We’ve only hosted the one show this month but it was an absolute belter on Wednesday night with our Amsterdam branch of the punk rock family in the shape of Black Volvo coming to join us at Conroy’s Basement on the first date of their Scottish jaunt with Maxwell’s Dead, Shatterhand and The Mamertines (who we saw for the first time and who were rocking).

black volvo piley

Thanks to everyone who came out for a midweek rammy. It’s not every show that you find a guitarist at the bottom of a piley. The show also bore witness to our first circle pit in the basement, so well played to all involved for getting involved in that. It’s a tight space so thanks for being mindful of flailing arms and legs, we don’t want no crowd-killing going down in the basement!

Also this month, we are very proud to have compiled and released the incredible “Discography” collection from pioneering Glasgow ecossemo punks Mesa Verde.


[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=4134522437 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


The collection brings together their first demo, the devastating “Amor Fati” EP and the stone cold classic “The Old Road” LP, plus the previously Make Yer Ane Comp II exclusive track “In ’64”. The discog is available for free/pay-what-you-want download from our Bandcamp page. We’ve also got a couple of copies of “The Old Road” LP left in the distro, but once they’re gone they’re definitely all gone so if you want one, make sure and grab one quick.

The first physical issue of Write Yer Ane Zine was published. Ye can check it out in PDF form here.

We updated the Label FAQ.

The first tracks from the forthcoming “Screamersongwriter” LP from Stoj Snak were released online;


[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3901760348 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


We’re very excited to be part of a coalition of cool labels from around Europe and would like to extend our thanks to TNS Records (great job on a successful Manchester Punk Fest!), 5Feet Under Records (Denmark), WOOAAARGH (Germany), Dullest Records (USA), Angry Music (Denmark), Youlooklikeshitrecords (Canada) and Entes Anomicos (Germany) for having us involved in the project.

The records will be with us in the next few weeks with further music and videos being released over the course of the next month ahead of release on June 4th. The record will be available on limited edition dark yellow vinyl and comes in hand-printed bespoke record sleeves, plus exclusive bonus tracks and all kinds of fanciness. The album will also be available on cassette and as a digital download. Stay tuned for further details coming soon.

vinyl sample

We were also very excited to share the news that we are on board to play a part in the release of the sky-scraping new LP from Aberdeen’s finest purveyors of bleak yet uplifting heavy post-hardcore Clearer The Sky. The record is called “Held In Merciful Light” and it features nine-tracks of some of the most intense screamo/post-rock jamz you’re likely to hear this year.

The record is being launched in conjunction with our friends at Wolf Town DIY, Rubaiyat Records, Rage Records and Crust Baby Records. The LP will be available on limited edition yellow vinyl and traditional black vinyl. Full release details will be available shortly as will the full run of UK tour dates to support it. The release show will be happen at Conroy’s Basement in Dundee so stay tuned for further details.

You can check out the first track from the album on the “Battered Throats Vol. 2” compilation from the good people at Death Of A Modernist.

We attended the launch show of the most excellent “And Then Came The Tourists” 7″ EP from our good friend Paper Rifles at The Banshee Labyrinth earlier this month.

Out now through Struck Dum Records, the EP comprises four politically-charged passionate acoustic punk rock zingers from one of our favourite intelligent songwriters and comes beautifully packaged with digital download code. We have a few copies of the 7″ in the distro, so be sure to grab one online or at a show.

fir park

Finally for our April retrospective, our troops Sink Alaska fulfilled a little lifetime’s ambition by being part of the half-time playlist at Fir Park their track “I Am A Legend / I Am A Robot” from the awesome “Battle Lines From Better Times” EP. Thankfully, the result worked out in their favour too!

Onwards Into May

There’s shitloads going on across the board in May. In Dundee, it’s the month-long Ignite Festival. For those in Glasgow, we’d strongly recommend the Restless Natives Festival. We’ll be in attendance for The Hotelier / Into It. Over It show with Rozwell Kid and Slowlight at St. Luke’s on Wednesday 11th May. Props to our pal No One Knows Records for hooking that one up. The whole programme looks rad so make sure and check it out.

the movielife

Kicking the month off in style, our troops PMX and Get It Together shall be supporting NYC melodic hardcore/positive pop punk legends The Movielife at their only Scottish show of a short three-day UK reunion tour at Glasgow Art School on Monday 2nd May.

We’re super excited that two of our hardest working and most dedicated bands have the opportunity to support such a popular and enduring band at such a prestigious venue. Both bands are well deserving of their slots and we couldn’t be more proud of them.

PMX released the shredtastic “Dark Days” EP last year. Get It Together last released the modern Scottish melodic hardcore classic in the form of the “Rebuild, Recover” 7″ EP and are currently working on their debut full length, more details of which will duly follow over the next couple of months.

Get It Together will also be back in Dundee for this absolute brammer;

the bennies dundee2

The Bennies are something else; an absolute maelstrom of progressive anarchic doom-laden upbeat melodic ska/punk/techno/hardcore/punk rock party anthems from Australia on Poison City Records, the same label that have brought us the likes of The Smith Street Band and Luca Brasi.

They’ve just released the jaw-dropping “Wisdom Machine” LP on Poison City / Uncle M Music (Europe) / Paper+Plastick Records (UK/USA) and it is a psychedelic whirlwind of punk rock madness that is simply unparalleled in contemporary punk. Their live show is a sight to be seen and we’re stoked to be hosting them in Buskers on Tuesday 10th May.

They’ll be joined on their inaugural UK tour by Manchester troublemakers Throwing Stuff, who were last seen in Scotland supporting the equally mischievous Masked Intruder a couple of years ago. We’re stoked to finally get them up in Dundee after first meeting them when playing with Uniforms in Liverpool three years ago.

Supporting on the Dundee leg of the tour (which will be the furthest north either band has ever traveled) will be the aforementioned troops in Get It Together and Dundee’s finest young dub/punk/rockabilly crew in the form of Salem Street. A young band with considerable chops, Salem Street have grown leaps and bounds over the last couple of years and will be bringing their savvy street-smarts to this year’s Rebellion Festival.

E-Tickets are available for this show for a fiver here and are also available physically at Groucho’s Records in Dundee.

Jaded Eyes Dundee

This is a show that we’re particularly looking forward to and it’s the first show of pure hardcore fury that we’ve hosted in the basement and there are members of our collective who are beside themselves with excitement. Roll on Saturday 21st May!

Jaded Eyes are a hardcore punk band from Leeds of the highest pedigree, featuring members of UKHC luminaries such as Voorhees, Geoffrey Oi!Cott, The Dead Pets and many more. Their new record “The Eternal Sea” is an absolute tour de force that comes over like Dag Nasty/Government Issue ripping through the back catalogue of The Damned and Leatherface. The LP is out through the legendary Boss Tuneage Records and is an absolute masterpiece of contemporary gruff UK hardcore.

The supporting cast brings together some of the finest flavours of Scottish hardcore. Aberdoom’s Boak have long been favourites of ours and we look forward to welcoming their potent powerviolence to the basement for the first time ahead of their UK/Ireland tour with ACxDC in June. Their new 7″ should be out around that time too.

Edinburgh’s own Elk Gang will be bringing their spiky brand of post-hardcore infused punk rock to the basement. The band will be playing shows across Scotland throughout the month of May (4th at Bloc in Glasgow with Colt 45 and Aberdeen on the 5th) and have just released their “Hours Pass” mini-album on cassette through Anti-Manifesto. We’ve got some copies in the distro too.

Opening up the show will be Fife paste punks Skelped. One of the most ferocious and uncompromising bands from the fertile Fife skate/noise/punk scene, this will be their first visit to Dundee since their eye-opening performance at Hardcore Breakfast as part of Book Yer Ane Fest IX back in November. These boys dinnae mess about, as their latest single will attest;


[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=906062566 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


Should be an absolute tear-up!

We shall be opening applications for inclusion in Make Yer Ane Comp VII.

All tracks and applications will be considered although acceptance cannot be guaranteed. Please send LINKS (no attachments please) of the track you’d like us to consider for inclusion. Please read the aforementioned “Label FAQ” before getting in touch.

All applications can be sent to

Please put “MYAC VII” in the subject line.

andrew cream

Manchester-based acoustic punk singer/songwriter Andrew Cream will be joining us in Dundee on Sunday 29th May. The event page and poster will be up online soon but we are delighted to share that he’ll be joined at this MTAT / GW co-pro show by the wonderful Chrissy Barnacle, Broken Stories and Gone Wishing for what should be an amazing and intimate acoustic show with some of the country’s finest songwriting talents.

Keep your eyes peeled on our facebook page for full details and poster coming soon. It’s happening at Conroy’s Basement and will be a fiver in.

more of this fest

A whole bunch of cowpunks including Maxwell’s Dead, PMX, Tragical History Tour, The Lemonaids and Get It Together will be taking over London Town at More Of This Fest V in Kingston from Friday 27th through Sunday 29th May.

Maxwell’s Dead, The Lemonaids and THT will be touring down and back from London and are still looking to fill a couple of last minute dates. If anyone out there can help, please give us a shout!

Talking of Tragical History Tour, work is continuing on the LP. There was a Rancid cover recorded the other day, you can check it out here.

Finally for now, here’s the full list of upcoming dates at Conroy’s Basement.

May June show-page-001(1)

We can’t overstate how grateful we are for everyone’s continued support with regards the basement. We’re trying to take things slow and steady as we aim to be in this for the long run, so thanks to everyone for their patience. We want to make sure our own shit is watertight, to walk before we run, before we engage in anything outwith our comfort zone, but rest assured that exciting things are coming!

Please add the Conroy’s Basement facebook page to stay informed of any and all developments. For all enquiries, please email

Cheers to everyone who continues to support what we do, thanks so much.

As ever, there’s loads of music for free/pay-what-you-want download on our bandcamp page (almost 100 releases now!) and those that aren’t free are very cheap, so please continue to download music and spread the good word!

Also, we still have a couple of MTAT MYSTERY BOXES for sale; a box stuffed full of vinyl, CDs, posters, flyers and who knows what else from the archives for twenty five quid, total bargain.

All other merch/records/e-tickets can be found at our BigCartel shop.

That was a quick 2000 words, eh?




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